Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • BibTeX-friendly PDF management with Zotero

    For years I’ve been jealous of colleagues with Macs who apparently all use BibDesk for managing their article PDF collections and BibTeX citations in one nice program. I think I’ve finally figured out how to do both things on Linux: Zotero, with the Better BibTeX and ZotFile add-ons. Zotero is first of all a citation…

  • The Emergence of First-Order Logic

    The SEP entry on “The Emergence of First-Order Logic” by William Ewald is out today.

  • Indian Conference on Logic and its Applications 2019

    The Association for Logic in India (ALI) announces the eighth edition of its biennial International Conference on Logic and its Applications (ICLA), to be held at the Indian Institute of Technology Delhi from March 3 to 5, 2019. ICLA is a forum for bringing together researchers from a wide variety of fields in which formal logic…

  • forall x is going CC BY

    The original forall x by P.D. Magnus, as well as Tim Button’s forall x: Cambridge, and the forallx: Calgary remix are now released under a Creative Commons Attribution (rather than the more restrictive Attribution-ShareALike license). The Fall 2018 version also incorporates some of Tim’s revisions for the latest version of forall x: Cambridge. You can…

  • PhD, Postdoc with Rosalie Iemhoff

    Postdoc position in Logic at Utrecht University, the Netherlands. The postdoc is embedded in the research project “Optimal Proofs” funded by the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research led by Dr. Rosalie Iemhoff, Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies, Utrecht University. The project in mathematical and philosophical logic is concerned with formalization in general and proof…

  • Proof by legerdemain

    Proof by legerdemain

    Peli Grietzer shared a blog post by David Auerbach on Twitter yesterday containing the following lovely quote about Smullyan and Carnap: I particularly delighted in playing tricks on the philosopher Rudolf Carnap; he was the perfect audience! (Most scientists and mathematicians are; they are so honest themselves ‘that they have great difficulty in seeing through…

  • Why φ?

    Why φ?

    Yesterday, @gravbeast asked on Twitter, Does anyone know why we traditionally use Greek phi and psi for metasyntactic variables representing arbitrary logic formulas? Is it just because ‘formula’ begins with an ‘f’ sound? And chi was being used for other things? Although Whitehead and Russell already used φ and ψ for propositional functions, the convention…

  • Postdoc in Formalism, Formalization, Intuition and Understanding in Mathematics

    Archives Poincaré (Nancy) and IHPST Paris are advertising for a 20-month postdoc fellowship.

  • Logic Colloquium, Udine

    Logic Colloquium, Udine

    The European Summer Meeting of the Association of Symbolic Logic will be in Udine, just north of Venice, July 23-28. Abstracts for contributed talks are due on April 27. Student members of the ASL are eligible for travel grants! lc18.uniud.it  

  • The Significance of Philosophy to Mathematics

    The Significance of Philosophy to Mathematics

    If you wanted to explain how philosophy has been important to mathematics, and why it can and should continue to be, it would be hard to do it better than Jeremy Avigad. In this beautiful plea for a mathematically relevant philosophy of mathematics disguised as a book review he writes: Throughout the centuries, there has…

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